How do the enemies in games know who the protagonist is to attack them?

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How do the enemies in games know who the protagonist is to attack them?

Post by zombie-football » Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:39 pm

Here is a random one,
so you start playing blood and these zombies go straight for Caleb. How do they know to attack Caleb; where there a Cabal meeting where they were told that Caleb was the enemy and to attack him on sight. If not, do they know intuitively he is the enemy or - do they attack everyone they don't know. So if one of the cabal's buildings needs some maintenance would the zombies etc. set on the guy as soon as he showed up before he could do his plastering or whatever. It would cause them all sorts of issues.

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Re: How do the enemies in games know who the protagonist is to attack them?

Post by Daedalus » Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:05 pm

Funny thought, but answering it seriously, it seems like the Blood monsters are hostile towards everyone, since it's fairly common to see innocents harassed by a variety of creatures. Since Caleb was working for the cult previously, it's safe to assume that Tchernobog himself, or perhaps lesser servants sent out the order to kill on sight for human enemies at least.

How that news spread so efficiently is anyone's guess. Did the Cabal send out telegrams to all sectors? How did the delivery guys reach all of the cultists unharmed? Did choking hands carrying envelopes get sent in all directions? Or did they have a meeting in which every single cultist was called from all over the world for the update?

As for maintenance guys, I think it's a better idea to call in sick on the day you get sent on a job to do some paintwork at the Overlooked Hotel or plumbing at Charnel House.
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Re: How do the enemies in games know who the protagonist is to attack them?

Post by zombie-football » Thu Sep 01, 2022 4:52 pm

As I posted this question, I realised that it applied more to other video games that didn't have such complex backstories. I had a look who Tchernobog was and realised the blood backstory is - out there, man! Didn't know Caleb worked for the cult but that is typical of it really.

The idea of choking hands carrying letters (would they have to work in pairs - with one holding the letter riding on the back of the other?) is amusing, but for practical terms I would guess the cult would use gargoyle mail to transport urgent telegrams.

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Re: How do the enemies in games know who the protagonist is to attack them?

Post by Dead Reckoner » Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:47 pm

The cultists had to know the time and date of Caleb's awakening if they already had an ambush conveniently set up for him at the cemetery. Tchernobog, not called the Dreaming God for nothing, may have communicated the timing to them as a prophetic dream.

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Re: How do the enemies in games know who the protagonist is to attack them?

Post by TheWolfArokh » Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:32 am

It's probably most likely that Tchernobog could communicate broadly with all all of his members by telepathy. And establish individual communication with special higher up members like The Chosen. Just a thought.

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