The Grand Mapedit Assistance Compendium

Discussion and queries about building worlds in Blood.
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Re: The Grand Mapedit Assistance Compendium

Post by RoosterMange » Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:46 am

It seems that XMAPEDIT allows for team-specific spawn points luckily. I've done everything except add weapons in the bases for team games.

For the life leech turret, the manual briefly explains how to set it up but it seems to be missing information because they don't shoot at me or enemies in game. Do you know of any maps that have a life leech turret that I could reference? If I could see how it's done, I can implement them in my map.

Edit: nvm it seems the life leech turrets don't work in NBlood/NotBlood. They work in DOS I've heard, but I don't want to include them if they'll end up doing nothing on certain ports.

Edit: The flags don't appear in teams despite my settings matching what you've described. The points for each team go up with kills, but there's no flags to capture
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Re: The Grand Mapedit Assistance Compendium

Post by Daedalus » Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:11 am

For flags, check out my third bulletpoint on page 8 of this thread.
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Re: The Grand Mapedit Assistance Compendium

Post by RoosterMange » Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:30 am

The settings are as you've described. It looks like the flags are actually there and can be captured, but they're invisible. Is there a texture I need to apply to them so they can be seen? I want players to know where the flags are so it'll be more intuitive and fun.

edit: nvm I found the texture and the flags are working. The map should be good for all gamemodes now
"A punk rock song won't ever change the world, but I can tell you about a couple that changed me." -Pat The Bunny

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