Amusing first reactions to Blood

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Amusing first reactions to Blood

Post by Lizzieborden » Tue Sep 13, 2022 4:53 pm

Inquisitive Lizzie would like to know :
When you introduced someone to Blood, what first reactions most amused you?

In my case,when I introduced Natalie to her first retrogame (blood), what I found insanely funny was how she sadistically giggled evertime she set cultists alight and they ran around screaming. Or when dynamited bodies went flying into the air.
It was so fun just to watch her get into the game...
How about you guys?
Dixit Lizzieborden

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Dead Reckoner
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Re: Amusing first reactions to Blood

Post by Dead Reckoner » Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:49 pm

Several different people I showed Blood to thought the cultists were Islamic terrorists and one of them kept shouting "Allahu Akbar" in response to their crudux cruos. I used to think the cultists were old hags myself.

Another mistook what appears to be a gunshot wound on the bloated butcher for his ass. Speaking of the butcher, I used to think he was topless until a high res pic of his model made it clear that he's wearing a wifebeater.

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Re: Amusing first reactions to Blood

Post by Daedalus » Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:50 pm

Unfortunately, I can't remember the reactions of people being introduced to Blood, or at least they weren't really worth committing to memory.
Fairly early on I read the Blood manual several times, so from that perspective I had a rough idea of what was going on. I've heard some fun ones, though. The cultists being old women is one I've heard a few times, also the idea that cultists are klansmen (Americans seem to associate anyone wearing a hood with them). Caleb being an angry farmer because of the pitchfork is another. A lot of people, especially those without English as a first language, get Caleb's lines wrong to this day, though I can't think of any particularly fun mistakenly heard things.

It's a pity. I suppose I was a little bit too old when first discovering the game to have any really good childlike imagination involved. Probably the only real misconceptions were that I couldn't always make out some of Calebs more obscure lines, and especially those of the monsters, since I only had the pleasure of watching Evil Dead sometime after playing Blood, and depending on one's settings and speaker setup, Blood's sound wasn't as clear as we can get it to be today. Probably the only silly thing I can relay is that for many years in my head I knowingly used the ridiculous placeholder line "I love a gazelle" for the choking hand, because I couldn't make out what it was saying.
Kazashi wrote:Daedalus, I don't care how much you know about Blood, your attitude has to change.
Need a hint? Spill some on the Altar of Stone!

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